Think of a female influencer and you probably have the image of some gorgeous sun-kissed babe holding the camera at the perfect angle to reveal an enviable pouty pose. Not a single mum, crouched on the floor by the tumble drier folding her little one’s undies, with ruffled hair and fashioning trusty PJ bottoms! However, what if the world is just starting to get that bit more real!?
It was the Tuesday evening before the kids go back to school after the Easter Holidays, and that second image was me, wishing I had been slightly more diligent at the start of the holidays getting the PE kits ready! Making the most of the mundane I was listening to a pod cast whilst paring socks when my phone started buzzing. It had just been announced online that I had been selected as one of the top 6 female influencer from the UK by the Global Woman Movement.
Overcoming my slight embarrassment of such a flattering honour, I have reflected and found excitement and hope - perhaps we are starting to see a shift as our demand for influencers becomes more than just looks and product placements, it becomes about purpose.
Just over 14 months ago I was enjoying a fruitful business career around my babes and had been succeeding relatively quietly in the shadows. I had always been driven by purpose and was hit by the realisation that we need good role models – ones who demonstrated how we can all have positive impact on ourselves, our society and even the world at large.
We all need influencers to follow. It is part of human nature that we learn from those around us and seek out guidance (both positive and negative) to feel connected to the communities we operate in. It is followers who have made it possible for every political, religious and business leader to achieve their domination. Having got involved in working with homeless young people I began to really understand that without positive influences it is easy to revert to following less favourable leadership.
Understanding this I recognised my responsibility to step up and share my reality – not an airbrushed edited version, the authentic live version. Sharing live broadcasts, posting real images and speaking about my personal mission and purpose. I may not have the prettiest Instagram feed or millions of followers, but my reward comes from seeing others step up to their own greatness as they realise that if a normal gal like me can make a difference then so can they.
Sometimes it has felt uncomfortable, but the private messages of people who have been inspired have kept me going. For that reason, this nomination is not about me but about every single person who is choosing to follow people with purpose over people with pouts. They too will all become their own influencers and inspire many more people. Thank you to Global Woman for keeping it real and giving me the opportunity to shine the light on a different type of role model.
I challenge you to consider who are your influencers? Who are you choosing to follow and what impact are they having on the way you engage with the world around you?
The final influencer is decided by a public vote which closes on the 30th April 2019 – vote now at
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