Blog & News

NEWS - 8 Years of Celebrating Peace One Day

On this very day 8 years ago I watched a TED talk that blew my mind and inspired me to take action (and even take to twitter and Facebook! - see image below). It was Jeremy Gilley talking about Peace One Day. 

Watch the TED talk - CLICK HERE

This was the beginning of a personal journey to believe that we can all make a difference. I began to understand that to change the world around us we didn’t need to be World Leaders or even God’s; each small step forward by every individual counted. 

That year (2011) my small step forward was to stand up at a conference I was attending on the 21st of September and share what I had learned about this special annual amnesty. It was the first day I put myself out there as someone who wanted to literally stand up for what mattered. 

Roll on 8 years and that small step lead me to a place where I now dedicate my working (and much of my social) life to driving positive change through business. I live by my...

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NEWS - Fran Featured In Forbes: "The Company Revolutionizing Corporate Social Responsibility"

Goal 17 received a full feature article written up in Forbes this month. The article highlighted the work the company are doing to help companies increase their staff engagement and retention through developing a mentoring culture, whilst helping homeless young people. The article highlighted the companies innovative approach and social benefits it is creating. You can read the full article here

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INSIGHT - Fran Presents at the Shard for Warwick Uni Business School - How to Win Multi-Million Pound Contracts

The public sector offers huge opportunities to businesses of all sizes, spending over £200bn annually on goods and services from third parties. But how does your business stand out from the crowd and win a piece of this pie?

In September 2019 Goal 17 were invited by The Institute of Directors and Warwick Business School to present at the Shard to a select group of business leaders; all wanting to learn how they too can tender and win. Presented alongside clients who had successfully won multi-million pound contracts, Goal 17’s founder, Fran Boorman, shared insights into how others can achieve similar success.

“Winning bids is like entering any other form of competitive environment - you have to find ways to stand out from the crowd, whilst also giving the procurement teams complete confidence that you have the ability to successful deliver the contract.” explains Fran, “Supporting our clients in demonstrating that they invest in the best human capital...

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NEWS - Goal 17 Listed in the SE100 Index

Since the seeds of an innovative idea launched just over 6 months ago, followed by many thousands of hours of focused work - accompanied by a vast amount of fun - we are bowled over to discover that Goal17 has been listed as one of the Top 100 Social Enterprises on the converter SE100 Index.

This comes at a symbolic time as we prepare to now scale and induct new corporate clients to our award-winning IMPACT programme (the UKS number 1 sports-led mentoring programme).

Goal 17 Management wish to thank all our many supporters who have joined our vision to create commercial and social value alongside one another. We have capacity to take on new corporate clients who want to become part of this success and work with us to make an impact in the communities surrounding Premier Leauge Football Clubs, whilst at the same time investing in developing their own people and culture.

Thank you again to all our supporters.

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NEWS - Goal 17 Launches - Ending Youth Homelessness Through Football and Corporate Mentoring

An exciting new social enterprise launched at Manchester United and West Ham Utd on the 17th September 2018


Goal 17 Founder, Fran Boorman, could be found roaming the streets of Manchester meeting with homeless people in the early hours of the morning on the 17th September. This was the beginning of a 36-hour launch event for an exciting new social enterprise that is predicted to generate £1m turnover in its first year. The trip also included meetings with senior management from Manchester United and West Ham United, homeless charities and ex-England Footballer, Paul Stewart.


Goal 17 is partnering with Premiership football clubs across the UK and aims to end youth homelessness by uniting vulnerable young people with corporate executive mentors. The enterprise will deliver an innovative corporate events package that empowers companies to get tangible value from their corporate social responsibility.



Through its partnership with the West Ham,...

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INSIGHT - Embracing the true power of small businessā€¦ but do we get it?

 I was very honored to be invited to represent the 4.7 million UK small businesses at a government round table discussion about the Civil Society Strategy. Whilst it was an incredibly empowering day, it was also a stark reminder of attitudes towards small businesses and how we have a long road to travel together.


What was it all about?



Many organisation, the government included, are awakening to the importance of different stakeholders make a positive impact on society. In a world where technology has broadened but not deepened relationships the need to proactively engage in local communities has never been greater.  The Department for Culture, Media and Sport want to facilitate a strategy to create an environment where businesses, charities, youth organisations, social enterprises and citizens come together for the greater good of our society. At the meeting there were a range of these different stakeholders. We discussed the responsibility of...

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