Blog & News

INSIGHT - Network Marketing: From Wealth Creation to Social Mobility, From Milk Cart to Tesla

insight network marketing May 05, 2019

Network Marketing, it's a global industry generating $180bn of revenues every year and engaging 130 million people, yet most don't even understand what it is, including many of those who are involved in it. Perhaps it's because Network Marketing was ahead of its time, and perhaps because it's now playing catch up!


All across the world, every day, millions of Network Marketers are talking to people they know about wealth creation. Like over excited puppies they are sharing with their friends and acquaintances how they have found a vehicle that enables them to make money – but something doesn’t add up. Why are they so excited? You don’t see ‘normal people’ jumping up and down with the same enthusiasm when their employer announces a new vacant position at their firm.


No, this excitement is because Network Marketing is not about wealth creation, it is about social mobility and understanding this important shift changes they way we all perceive...

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NEWS - Overwhelming Response to the Launch of 'Connection Marketing'

network marketing news Feb 24, 2018

Wow, what a week. I am completely overwhelmed an incredibly grateful to so many people for showing such amazing support for the launch of my book, Connection Marketing. The book has rocketed in sales to become a best seller in its two man categories and appears to be holding this position.


I find this so incredibly exciting, but not for me, for us. The book is all about seeing a change in our industry and moving forward together. Each person  buying the book is buying into being part of that change. I am so excited about more and more people joining the Connection Marketing Community so this becomes less and less about me and more about all of us together. Moving forward together.


Thank you so much once again to everyone for their support. Let this journey begin.


Fran xxx


If you would like to buy the book please go to:

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